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The Pridelanders
Scar & Zira
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 Better Days

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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Better Days   Better Days EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 11:41 pm

The forest was nearly silent that morning, and the foliage was damp with moisture. That morning, for the first time in countless month, a thick mist had choked the Pridelands. Even though it wasn't rainfall, it was more than the kingdom had seen in a long time, and the fog had brightened the mood of the pride. The kingdom was on the mend, Scar could feel it in his bones, and the morning's dampness was proof. As the sun arched in the sky, the mist began to burn off, but in Majani Forest, Scar felt at peace. It was an odd feeling, totally foreign to the delusional monarch, but his mood was unusually cheerful that day as he padded around leisurely, enjoying the quiet.

New life. His thoughts turned to the creamy lioness with amethyst eyes, so young and naive, she had been an easy target. Heshima, the poor fool, her pride sisters were already beginning to notice the changes in the soon-to-be mother. It had been so simple to convince her to bear his cubs, the promise of glory impossible to resist. The mother of kings, he had told her, and he hoped it would prove true. A litter of strong sons, Scar could already seen them, balls of russet energy and violence, all vying for their father's attention and approval. He thought of Ahadi, his long dead father, who had never once considered Scar's merits. Mufasa was the heir simply because he was born first, not because he was smarter. He would give each of his boys a chance to prove their worth. The dark king had schemed too long, and worked too hard to get to where he was today. Now, his bloodline would go on.

There was no true rest for the king though. His mind never let him rest, and his paranoia had been growing steadily. As of late, he had become suspicious of anyone belonging to his own gender, and the males that remained in the Pridelands were being especially cautious. The females, however, had all become the subject of Scar's unwanted attention, and few dared to leave Pride Rock, unless they were attempting to hunt. The forest was empty, save for the russet lion. He had turned now, ready to return to Pride Rock, when a soft sound caught his attention somewhere close by. Suddenly, he realized he was no longer alone in the forest.
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptyMon Jan 16, 2012 8:09 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptyMon Jan 16, 2012 8:17 pm

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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 9:06 pm

Tamaa awoke early. Some of the lionesses were half asleep, mumbling and talking to each other. The rest were sleeping. The pale lioness slowly got up, shaking her pelt, and began to groom herself. Most of the lioness kept to themselves around her, and she didn't mind; it would take a while to settle in and for them to get used to her. After all, she was different and knew it - her pelt markings and colour, for that matter.

She stood, finished her grooming now. As she looked around, it seemed her friend had stayed asleep; pity. Tamaa knew that the lionesses did not go out for a walk alone, and the lioness who last did had fallen pregnant. Still, Tamaa had the itch in her foot to keep moving as a rogue would, but since her travels it had worn down significantly - a long walk or two a day would keep her mind occupied. As she began to walk towards the exit of the cave, some lionesses looked to her - some frowning, silently willing her to stay - others watching her critically, probably thinking she would be stupid to leave at all.

With little hesitation, the lioness padded out into the cool morning. She had long walks ahead of her; the territory was large, and she would love exploring it like a cub would on its first time out of the cave. She decided the 'Majani Forest', as the pride called it, would do for her first exploration.

As she walked along the forest, she smiled slightly at the few chirps of birds. She suddenly stopped and looked around, scenting another lion. A male. But, of course, the hyenas and another lion she had heard of were patrolling the borders and inside territory closely and constantly; it would be one of the pride. She relaxed and continued to walk, pausing as her paw hit against a small rock and it rolled away, falling off a small curve in the ground with a soft thud.
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 2:30 am

Scar had paused upon hearing the soft noise, and he nearly called out to see who had interrupted his solitude, but instead turned his lanky form in the direction of the noise. Silent paws tread the forest floor, but he did not have to go far before finding the source of the sound. In the distance, he saw the lithe form of a lone lioness, and a grin began to inch across the king's sharp features. Another of his girls had made the mistake of venturing away from the safety of Pride Rock, so very alone.

Wasting no time, Scar stepped carefully over to Tamaa, dodging plants and small boulders as he snaked his way through the forest. He was barely able to conceal the mischief in his bright green eyes. He recognized that it was a newcomer to the Pridelands, she had arrived along with another young female not long ago. Scar had welcomed the pair with feigned graciousness, more than happy to accept them, despite the fact that there was hardly food enough to go around already. Most lionesses in the neighboring regions had heard stories about Scar, terrible rumors that were all true, and avoided the kingdom like the plague. But these two had seemed oblivious to it all, and unless his lionesses had warned them, they didn't know a thing about their new monarch. This was, of course, beneficial to the tyrant, and today, he would finally have an opportunity to speak to one in private.

When he was within speaking distance, he addressed the lioness with a polite nod and a wide smile that would make the skin of his followers crawl.
"Hello, my dear... ah.." He paused as he searched his memories for the female's name, but after a lingering moment, he was unable to recall. Instead, he quickly moved on, making a mental note to ask back at Pride Rock for the moniker of the new lioness. "What brings you out here this lovely day?"
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 8:25 pm

Flicking her tail, Tamaa looked to the russet brown lion who made his way towards her. She dipped her head slightly in greeting to her King, and rose it as he began to speak to her. "Hello, my King. I've just decided to explore the territory, find some interesting things..." she said. She could sense a devious air about the lion; it intrigued her. With past encounters with lions, she could guess what probably was on his mind - especially a King with a bloodline to continue. Of course, she would have no problem in bidding his wishes; her parents always did wish for her to have many cubs, particularly her mother. Tamaa would think to do one thing her parents had wished, having given up the throne.

She looked to Scar, deciding to continue conversation. "My name is Tamaa, if you have forgotten. Born of Royal bloodline in the mountainous area, would-be Queen of a growing pride in the mountains." she nodded slightly, 'formally' introducing herself. She stretched, and shook her fur, looking to her surroundings. Quite secluded, seeming to be the area with most life and greenery; she could only imagine the whole territory before the drought.
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 2:30 pm

A curt nod was offered in exchange for the bow, and it seemed to please Scar that the newcomer was more polite than many of his own lionesses. The Pridelands' females knew the king all too well, and few would dare to explore the kingdom alone. Scar briefly considered warning Tamaa about the dangers of the territory, how it was not wise to wander away from the den unaccompanied, but decided against it, unwilling to make his follower fearful of her new home. The pride could use all the new members it could get, and he didn't want the pale lioness to regret her decision to come here. "Have you found anything of interest yet?"

As Tamaa spoke again, the dark king watched her silently, jade eyes examining the lioness before him. She had strange markings covering her entire body, which Scar mistook as shadows from the trees surrounding them until he had a better chance to inspect her. He had never seen such random markings, but that alone was no indication that she was royalty, as she now claimed. A queen, was she? It was easy enough to declare one thing, but the truth was a whole different matter, and it was clear by Scar's wary expression that he ad his doubts. It defied logic, a monarch leaving their territory to join another pride. Taking a slow seat, a jet black eyebrow arched high, his tail wrapped around his form as an uneasy smile appeared.
"If I may ask, why have you come to the Pridelands, Tamaa?" He repeated her name so that it would remain in his memory this time. If what she claimed was indeed true, this was very interesting news.

But there were other prides neighboring his own, other options that Tamaa could have pursued. It was hard to believe that someone would willingly choose the Pridelands in their current state, but then again, maybe the other prides were suffering just the same. Scar was not one to leave the confines of his own borders, and so it was difficult for him to learn what was happening beyond this territory. Such knowledge would only prove valuable, and this thought remained in the cunning lion's thoughts as he allowed Tamaa the chance the satisfy his curiosity.
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 5:43 pm

The lioness flicked an ear. "Nothing out of the ordinary." she answered his first question, before listening to his second inquisition. "I had no desire to be Queen. I have much preferred my time as a rogue. After all, the throne was rightfully my elder brothers...but he was unacceptable to my parents. And so they handed to me, who in turn handed it to a trusted friend. During the travels with my companion, Ishini, we eventually have grown tired of wandering, and the droughts have come to many territories, some diminishing due to their already small size. When we came upon the Pridelands, it was obvious this was a magnificent place...and after the droughts, I'm sure it will return to its original beauty, though I myself have not witnessed it; the Pridelands are much larger and clearly better off than most."

The lioness now lay down, flicking her tail. She took in the Kings appearance; he obviously didn't fight for the pride, probably inherited it. Not brawny, but surely must have some intelligence if not that. He did have emerald green, piercing eyes, which she found unique, in some way. His jet-black mane and russet brown pelt complimented each other, and made his eyes more noticeable, she noted.
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 6:29 pm

Scar looked at the lioness in disbelief as she claimed she had no interest in being queen. A monarch with no desire to rule? This was a concept that Scar simply couldn't understand. "Why didn't you find a king? Surely every lioness dreams of being a queen, of being loved by the entire pride and producing little princes." If she enjoyed her life as a rogue so much, there was the possibility that she would grow tired of the Pridelands and try to leave again. Losing a lioness was an affront to the king, who fancied that each and every one belonged to him as if they were a piece of property. To Scar, they were, and his assets were worth keeping. Now, he decides that the best way to retain his pride is to turn on the charm, and a twisted grin crosses his sharp muzzle. His intense green eyes begin to inspect the lioness once more as he steps closer to her.

He appreciated the optimistic tone of her words, for most of the lionesses didn't believe the Pridelands would ever be returned to their proper state. Scar still refused to see his own role in the decay of the territory, blaming instead the weather. Occasionally, the reality of the situation became apparent, from the whining of hungry lions and hyenas to the ever-shrinking water hole. Tamaa had never seen the kingdom when it was at its best, so she had no reason to doubt that they would be great again someday.
"When the drought ends, my dear, you will fall in love with this kingdom. My ancestors have called Pride Rock home for generations, and I can assure you, it is worthy of its name when the seasons are more cooperative."
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 10:43 pm

"I didn't have a King or betrothed, due to there not being many other cubs in the pride; and any prospective mates couldn't stick the cold from the mountains." she chuckled softly; she too had been born with shorter fur than the other of her pride, and so as a cub was constantly cuddled by her mother. "And as for cubs...it was my parents wish I had many heirs, cubs of royalty. I wouldn't mind, of course...I should at least do one thing for my parents, seeing as I disappointed them by refusing the throne. If I did have cubs, I wouldn't care for their sire's ranking; I would raise them all the same - to mind their manners around higher rankings, to be proud and noble, to train them to be healthy, hunters and fighters."

She watched as the lion stepped closer to her; she made no effort to move away, nor did she show any signs of disgust, as the other lionesses had when he moved near them. She flicked an ear, looking up at the lion. She listened to him say how the greatness of Pride Rock and the Pride Lands would return with the seasons. "Yes...I hope to see the Pridelands at former glory; it seems my rogue days are over."
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptySat Jan 21, 2012 2:47 am

"Is that so?" The newcomer's words were nearly too good to be true, and Scar listened intently, gaze fixed on her blood red eyes. But could she be trusted? Scar's twisted thoughts tended towards assuming the worst from others, especially those he didn't know. The pale lioness had been there only a short time, and before this encounter, he hadn't even been able to remember her name. By his demented logic, there was a possibility that Tamaa was using him to have cubs, which she could then take back to her natal pride. If her claims were true, every drop of blood in their future offspring would be regal, and the idea was tempting. The russet lion had never been to the mountainous regions beyond the borders, knew nothing about it or the prides that called it home, but assumed now the territory was not worth having, if its inhabitants couldn't be bothered to stay.

"Tamaa, there's nothing more important than the rank of the father of your future cubs. The children of nobodies have little chance of survival in this day and age. A high ranking father affords a certain protection." In most prides, only the leader had any mating privileges, a fact that Tamaa was likely aware of. The exact opposite may be true, a king's cubs were often in terrible danger of being killed by lesser males, but the Pridelander's king was determined to protect his own. When Scar comes closer, the lioness makes no attempt to shy away from his presence, which seems to embolden him further. He slinks closer still, side-stepping around the lioness at the last moment before the two touched face to face, running the length of his lanky form along Tamaa's side.

"Won't you miss your family someday and wish to return? We-- well, I would be very sorry to see you leave." Now, he falls silent, curious to see if she will indulge him with promises of loyalty and adoration. He had allowed both Tamaa and her friend to remain in the Pridelands, after all. It was the least he deserved for his graciousness. He finished a slow loop around the lioness, stopping before her again to hear her response. Overhead, a songbird chirped incessantly, and Scar's ears flicked back at the irritating sound.
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptySat Jan 21, 2012 10:40 pm

The lioness flicked an ear at the chirping of the birds, listening to her King. "Miss my family? There wasn't many of my family; just my father, mother and brother. By now I assume my parents are dead or dying, and my brother has continued on his travels. I have no reason to leave." she looked to the lion, thinking for a moment on his comment of the ranking of sire to cubs. "Hm. I suppose you're right. Though many lions have more than one mate; unlike my father, I think it is better for a King to have a collection of the finest lionesses who produce the strongest, favorable cubs; not Queens, merely mates, providers for 'back-up' heirs and to continuously spread the royal bloodline." As the lion came into contact with her, she perked a brow slightly. She responded by purring slightly, running the length of her tail under his chin.
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 4:33 pm

When Tamaa commented that she had no reason to leave, a low, ominous laugh rumbled in Scar's throat. Her parents had done her a great disservice by not teaching her the ways of the world, or warning her against brutes who would just as soon tear her throat open than breed with her. It seemed easy... Too easy, in fact. Scar began to suspect that she was only saying what the king wanted to hear, which would normally flatter the old fool, but from the relatively unknown lioness, it only made him all the more paranoid. She purred when touched, but in a way, the younger lioness reminded him of a simple cub. She had barely reached maturity, and from her scent, Scar could tell she was not yet ready to become a mother. He wondered even if she would be a fit mother to his future offspring. A close eye would be kept on the newcomer now, until the twisted king could be certain that she could be trusted with so high an honor.

At the mention of a harem rather than monogamy, Scar chuckled again, louder this time.
"Well, we agree on at least one thing, then. You mentioned your traveling companion. Ishi, was it? What can you tell me about your friend?" If Tamaa was to be believed, Scar could trust that she would stay in the Pridelands, no matter what happened. But the other lioness had yet to speak to the king personally, and he was now curious about her intentions, as well. There was no telling what the lionesses may have told the new members of their pride, but Tamaa seemed oblivious to the cynicism so far.
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Better Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Days   Better Days EmptySat Jan 28, 2012 8:12 pm

"Ishini." Tamaa flicked an ear. She was often protective of her friend, but would tell the King what he wanted to know. "She's shy and submissive for the most part, a season or two younger than myself, and currently unaccepting to males..." she shrugged, and stretched. This was true; Ishini so far had shown little to no interest in males, which Tamaa hoped she would grow out of. Then again, Tamaa was more mature mentally and was now a fully grown lioness. "Unlike myself. She is more so a coward often, I must admit, which seems to run through her family unfortunately. Cowardly father, she did have." the lioness muttered before lying down.

((Sorry for the wait and short post ^^; BTW, Tamaa is 3 years; 2.5 is when a lioness matures and is ready to breed, lionesses mature faster than lions who mature at 3.))
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